Sunday, March 8, 2009

2 months!

Aubrey had her 2 month appointment on Thursday. Everything went great with the vaccinations. She was 10.13 pounds (50th percentile for weight) and 21 1/2 inches, which is only the 10th percentile for length. I came home and measured her myself and she was almost 22 1/2 inches...I am pretty sure the nurse didn't stretch her out fully when she was measuring her. Either that, or we have a very petite little peanut! Aubrey was a little fussy during the day, and she & I got busted taking a nap together as you can see from the picture! Things have been great until this morning. She ate at about 6:00 AM, and then went back down for a nap. At about 9:00 AM she projectile vomited and got pale and clammy. I completely freaked out & called the pediatrician, who calmed me down & thinks she might have one of these viruses going around. You would not know I was in medicine by the way I am with her...what a nervous nelly!!! Anyway, we are keeping the feedings going to keep her hydrated and she seems to be doing a little better now. Just a little fussy and tired. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this is just a little bug & it will run its course sooner than later!


  1. Oh I'm sorry Megan! I hate the projectile vomit!!! It's so scary! I hope all is well now. You two look so cute sleeping together! Looks like she is growing fast!

  2. Isn't sleeping with your baby girl the sweetest thing. You guys look too cute!
